
5 Common Conditions To Avoid During The Hotter Months

With the extended daylight hours and warm weather, these milder Brisbane months and summer can be a great time to get active with your pet. However, it’s important to be aware of the dangers that the warmer weather can bring and how best to protect them. 

1. Heatstroke

The biggest risk for heatstroke is the dog’s immediate environment. If your dog is in very humid conditions or a confined space without fresh air (such as a car), he or she will quickly overheat. Brachycephalic breeds of dogs (those with short muzzles e.g. British Bulldogs and Pugs) are also more prone to heatstroke because their nasal passages are smaller and it is more difficult for them to circulate sufficient air for cooling. 

Early signs of heatstroke include:

  • High body temperature (more than 40 degrees)
  • Distress
  • Excessive panting
  • Excess saliva
  • Bluish-purple or bright red gums, due to inadequate oxygen supply to the tissues.

If you notice these symptoms, move your dog to a cool place and wipe them down with a damp rag or drape a cool, damp towel over their body. Pay attention to the inner thighs and stomach where there are more large blood vessels. You’ll also want to cool down the pads of their feet.

Try to get your dog to slowly drink some cool (not cold) water. If they gulp down too much too fast, it may cause vomiting. Once your dog is cool, take them to see your holistic vet for an exam to ensure that there’s no internal damage.

2. Fleas and Ticks

Warm weather brings with it the increased likelihood that pets and pet owners will have to deal with fleas and ticks and the problems they can cause. The milder temperatures and increased humidity in the summer provide ideal conditions for survival and increased reproduction rates for both of these problem pests. Also, pet owners and their pets are more likely to encounter fleas and ticks during warm-weather strolls or outdoor events. 

Fortunately, there are many safe and effective flea and tick prevention products that can help us control these parasites. Made using only top-quality, effective herbal ingredients The Herbal Repellent Collar is free of harsh chemicals and uses a special blend of oils that allow it to work for up to 4 months. This collar is made for cats and large dogs so that it can be cut back for all sizes.

3. Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be as bothersome to our pets as they are to humans. Your pet will find mosquito bites an itchy irritation, which can lead to chewing or scratching at the area. In some cases, this can lead to swelling or may even become infected. Yet most of the time, a mosquito bite will be relatively harmless and not cause a lasting problem. An important exception to this is the involvement of the mosquito in transmission of heartworm. 

Some preventative measurements can help reduce your dog’s exposure to mosquitoes.  Avoid peak mosquito times. Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. Avoid these pests by keeping your dog indoors during these times. Use natural mosquitoes repellents like Spot On Topical Herbal Repellent and natural deterrents around your yard such as:

  • Citronella
  • Basil
  • Peppermint
  • Garlic
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Balm
  • Lemongrass
  • Lavender
  • Neem
  • Marigold
  • Catnip
  • Bergamot
  • Eucalyptus

4. Hot Spots and Itchy Skin

Dog hot spots tend to be more common during summer days when humidity is high, which is why they are also known as summer sores. Although long-haired breeds with thick coats are more prone to this skin infection, hot spots can affect any dog. 

Hot spots are a skin condition, so keeping your dog’s skin healthy is the first step towards keeping infections at bay. Make sure you don’t skip any flea treatment session, manage any allergies they have and make sure your dog dries off quickly once their swimming or bathing time comes to an end.

Regular grooming also plays an important prevention role when it comes to dog hot spots. Clipping long coats, especially when it’s hot outside, will stop moisture from getting trapped close to the skin and creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Learn more in our blog What are Hot Spots and How You Can Avoid. If you are looking for a natural product to help when hot spots and skin irritations occur try our Neem Pet Soap made with neem, citronella and tea tree oil. 

5. Dirty Dog

When you are out and about in the warmer weather the activities that go along with it do seem to contribute to a much dirtier dog. Keeping your dog clean not only helps get rid of that wet dog smell and dirt it can also help with the build-up of bacteria on your dog’s skin that irritates her. Rinsing your dog with clean water or using a very gentle shampoo is a good idea. But don’t overdo it. Keep in mind that over-bathing can disturb the balance of your dog’s natural skin bacteria.

It’s best to use shampoos that don’t contain chemicals that can strip the natural oils from your dog’s skin or coat. Check out our range of shampoos and other natural products.

Now that you know some of the common conditions to look out for during the hotter months you can take care to best protect your furry friend. To view our full range of raw preservative free pet foods and products visit our online shop.

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