How Hemp is Helping our Pets
When we think of hemp, perhaps pet care is not the first thing that pops in our mind and that is understandable given that hemp has been misportrayed and even illegal in the past.
But this is no longer the case, the benefits of hemp are now being spread across the planet to help each and everyone of us. Now, it’s time to shed some light on how hemp is helping pets.
Hemp Seed Oil
Unlike fish oil, Hemp Seed Oil naturally has the perfect Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio (3:1) of essential fatty acids (EFAs) which animals need just the same as humans do. This balanced ratio plus the combination of Omega 6, antioxidants, and plant cholesterol can lead to overall joint health by reducing:
- Inflammation
- Arthritis
- Painful/damaged joints
All while helping to build a strong immune system and enhanced blood circulation.
Hemp Seed Oil also moisturises skin and fur better than any other substance because it’s herbal and has virtually no side effects. It prevents skin disorders such as dry nose, acne, eczema, rashes and dandruff. It improves heart functions and helps keep your pet’s brain healthy, leading to a longer and happier life. Plus, it can thicken fur texture and lessen shedding, so our fur babies look their best! Keeping all this in mind, here are our top 6 reasons to give Hemp Seed Oil ago.
6 Reasons to Give Your Pet Hemp Oil
1. Improved skin and coat
Hemp Seed Oil can improve skin health in both dogs and cats, leaving them with a fluffy, irresistibly cuddly coat. This is because Hemp Seed Oil has the perfect composition of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) like Omega 6 and Omega 3. Omega fatty acids are one of the most important factors for skin and coat health in animals but an unbalanced composition of Omega 6 and Omega 3 in your pet’s diet can cause major upsets in their health.
Hemp seeds are commonly used in cosmetic products and soaps like our dog shampoo with hemp. This is because the oil penetrates the inner layers of the skin to promote healthy cellular growth.
2. Treating Allergies and Skin Issues
The benefits of hemp seed don’t just stop at Omega fatty acids. This holistic ingredient also has Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), which is a lesser known but equally beneficial ingredient that supports a wide range of benefits for our canine companions.
GLA is essential in building a substance that’s super important for joint health and other vital body functions. So, if your pup deals with allergies, mobility troubles, digestive issues, or skin problems, the GLA found in hemp-enhanced products might be just the thing they need.
The balanced fatty acids in Hemp Seed Oil also play an important role in reducing the inflammation associated with common skin issues, including:
- Atopic dermatitis
- Pruritic skin disease
- Granulomas
3. Good Source of Protein, Vitamins, and Minerals
Hemp seeds are considered to be a complete protein source, which means it contains every essential amino acid. Very few plant-based protein sources have them all, so that makes hemp seeds even more unique! Plus, hemp seeds also contain Vitamin E and healthy minerals that work together to bolster skin health, immune function, and overall nourishment.
4. Anticancer
Researchers at the American Cancer Society say there’s evidence that people with cancer, diabetes and skin allergies don’t make enough of the Omega-6 fatty acid Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). These issues are incredibly common in dogs too. The GLA in Hemp Seed Oil is perfectly balanced with Omega-3 fats, that will help reduce inflammation and strengthen your dog’s immune system.
5. Reduces Joint Pain
Because of the perfect balance of fatty acids. Hemp Seed Oil will also help to reduce inflammation naturally which may help your pet suffering from such conditions as arthritis and other joint pain and discomfort.
6. Reduces Anxiety
When feeling anxious, pets often resort to stressful behaviour such as pacing uncontrollably, urinating everywhere and destroying items that aren’t their chew toys. If you need to calm your anxious dog, you should consider using Hemp Seed Oil, which acts as a relaxant. Many pet owner’s report a rapid elevation in their pets’ moods and presence of less anxious animals from the use of Hemp Seed Oil.
Find out more about our hemp products and how they might benefit your pet by visiting our online shop.