What and How much to Include in your Pet’s Raw Diet
Switching a dog with an existing health problem to a raw diet can often produce an improvement in their condition. Among healthy pets, a raw diet is likely to help prevent some of the illnesses that are now common in many dogs. Most importantly, a high quality raw diet with bones will help promote a long, healthy, and happy life for you and your companion animal!
If you are new to Raw or just starting out, you may feel a little nervous and unsure of exactly what to feed and how much. That is completely natural. However if you follow the basic rules below, and you monitor your pet’s weight and adjust as necessary, you can’t go wrong!

How much should you feed your Pet?
We adhere to much of the research which says to feed 2-4% of the dog’s ideal, adult body weight. Feeding amounts can vary depending on your dog’s physiology and daily activity levels, but the general rule of thumb is to start with 2.5% of your dog’s ideal body weight (if your dog is over 10kg) and adjust as necessary depending on weight gain or loss.
Try using our Raw Food Calculator
Again, use your dog’s ideal or target weight if your dog is over or underweight. Food can be fed in one meal once a day or split into two meals twice a day.
*NOTE – Miniature and tiny breeds as well as most cats need to start at a higher percentage than medium – large breeds. It is never recommended to feed less than 110g per day.

Puppies and Lactating Mothers
Puppies may need as much as 10% and pregnant and lactating mothers also need an increase throughout gestation and lactation. Here is a list of how much to feed puppies and pregnant mothers:
Puppies: 2-4 months-10%;
4-7 months-6%;
7-12 months-4%;
Pregnant Mothers: Gestation 0-5 weeks-2%;
Gestation 5 weeks-delivery-3%
Lactation 1-4 weeks-3%;
Lactation 4+weeks-6%

What to include in your Raw Diet
The above is for the total amount of food, including RMBs (raw meaty bones), meaty meat (muscle meat, connective tissue, skin, fat), and organ meat. If you have a healthy adult dog, feed him 2% of his body weight. So if your dog is 45kg, feed him 910g per day.
Here is the breakdown of what to feed. It is very simple.
30% RMBs and 60% meaty meat with 10% organ meat. Since the RMBs have muscle meat attached, you are actually going to feed about –
- 10-15% bone,
- 10% organ meat,
- 80-85% meat.
Supplements and Other Additions
There are various other supplements and foods that you can add to your raw diet and we will cover those in our upcoming article. Please remember to check out our Feeding Calculator and remember no human is the same, therefore no dog / cat is the same. These are guidelines only and if you are concerned please see your holistic vet.