
Should I Start My Puppy / Kitten On RAW?

WHAT WOULD THEY DO, IN THE WILD? Does Good Nutrition Affect Behaviour? By Dr Bruce Syme BVS (Hons)Founder of Vets All Natural The links between nutrition and animal behaviour will have been poorly researched, and still to this day, are quite unclear. It is quite apparent in the human population will that what we feed ourselves and particularly our children, will have quite a dramatic impact on behaviour – modern food colourings, preservatives, and flavourings have all been demonstrated to have close links to certain behavioural syndromes like ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I...

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READ THIS BEFORE YOU SPEND $$$$ ON TREATMENTS – We do see and it has been well documented that dry food is a large contributor to allergies, it is has many ingredients that combine to confuse and degrade your furkids immunities and overall health. – Cooking food for your furkid, this we always believed changes the make-up of the food from the protein through to the different types of fat.  A really good article on this is http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/cooked-foods-causing-allergies-in-dogs/?inf_contact_key=49a26404ebfdcc39648c0a5e05fb57e407a1a5699c7436fac9d8256612e6b4f1 –...

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BONES If you have a dog or cat with bad breath start looking at there teeth and how clean they are.  You do have a choice you can do the modern thing and get the chemically enhanced dog chews and buy a tooth brush and enjoy the together moments on cleaning teeth every couple of days or you can feed a Raw Meaty Bone  every day that is appropriate for the size dog.   To guide you on this selection and to reduce the chances of swallowing bones whole, make sure the bone you are giving is to big for the dog, ie about 50mm either side of there jaw so they have to chew and use...

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